Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Need of education
education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world", Nelson Mandela.
Why Do We Need Education??????
Just like food and shelter, education has become necessity of life. Educated mind means a open & healthy mind. Education is a life long journey for every person. From childhood to young age, education never leaves your hand. It walks side by side. To become successful & to make a good career, one has to be well educated. Need of education is like watering a plant, one of the important nutrients. If you avoid watering your life, you'll grow but will lack in capabilities & fruits of life.

Best way to fill your curiosity or to answer your questions is to get educated. You will get your answers on your own. . Here are some reasons why one is required to get educated: To broaden the horizon of your thoughts, views & opinions, one must get educated. Education is required to make the society civilized. Education opens your eyes about how world works & how to face drastic negative social situations. Technical advancement of science & technology is one good example why education is required. Education gives you a general idea how to live life respectfully & as best as you can. More awareness about healthy lifestyle. Good education means good job in future. Better quality of life. Educated people are placed at better positions. Education enhances problem solving skills & an educated person can handle any situation in a positive manner. Educated families live their lives happily & understand more that how important education is. Education is a means to alleviate poverty in a developing society. Not only this, it reduces major issues like unemployment, child labor, child marriage, etc. because people become more educated & tend to do sensible things. Education enhances one's knowledge and as the saying goes; "Knowledge is power." A person feels more powerful if he is well educated. You can face the world confidently.
 As education leads to individual development, such development automatically helps in social development. One has to take education as an important necessity of life & to survive in this competitive world. Because without education you'll feel like an empty shell.

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